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Abstract: Multiple Data Integration: A Case Study From Ecuador

Robert H. Barton

A multiple data set study involving Landsat TM imagery, satellite radar imagery, shot hole sample magnetic susceptibility and geochemistry analyses, and subsurface maps was done on an area in the Oriente basin of Ecuador.

The surface consists of a topographically flat jungle-covered plain and alluvium. Despite this cover, the Landsat and radar imagery showed linear features which correlate with a significant subsurface structural zone. The contoured magnetic susceptibility results also showed a defined linear trend coincident with this same zone and associated structural traps. The geochemical and susceptibility shot hole data were superimposed in graph form on the sections and in digitized contour form on the subsurface and satellite image maps. This permitted a direct evaluation of the different types of anomalies.

In addition to the subsurface interpretation, variations in magnetic susceptibility intensity levels appear to outline surface pediment fans. This effect has to be removed before interpreting susceptibility data.

An environmental base line, using the same optical and radar satellites, establishes the existing rainforest condition and allows planning to minimize habitat disturbance. As satellite coverage is repetitive, consistent periodic environmental updates are possible.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela