Abstract: The Chemical Characterization and Instability of Shale Derived Middle Distillate Fuels
George W. Mushrush, Douglas G. Mose
Changes in fuel properties with time in storage have been a continuing problem in the use of shale-derived middle distillate fuels. The storage stability of middle distillate fuels is usually defined in terms of the formation of sediment, gum, color, and peroxides. A shale-derived fuel of marginal stability has been used as a source of nitrogen-rich polar extracts. These polar nitrogen heteroatoms were isolated by mild acid extraction followed by silica gel adsorption and were identified by combined capillary column GC/MS. Alkyl substituted pyridines were the prevalent class of compounds present. Other nitrogen functional groups present included the alkyl substituted: tetrahydroquinolines, quinolines, indoles, and carbazoles. This fuel was also analyzed for the metal ions content by ICP. The effect of adding these shale extract fractions as dopants to a stable shale diesel fuel were examined in terms of sediment formation, and peroxide number under accelerated storage stability test conditions. We have developed a 16 hour test method that predict accurately fuel behavior over a two year period. The activities of the extracts in inducing fuel instability were correlated with their chemical composition and will be reported.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas