Abstract: Geology and Log Responses of the Rose Run Sandstone in Randolph Township, Portage County, Ohio
Charles C. Moyer
Approximately 75 wells have penetrated the Cambrian Rose Run sandstone in Randolph Township, Portage County, Ohio, about half of which should produce well beyond economic payout. Only one deep test (to the Rose Run or deeper) was drilled in this Township prior to 1990. Two separate and distinct Rose Run producing fields exist in the Township; the western field is predominately gas-productive and the east is predominantly oil-productive. Both fields are on the north side of the Akron-Suffield Fault Zone, which is part of a regional cross-strike structural discontinuity extending from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area northwestward to Lake Erie (Gray and others, 1982; Riley and others, 1993). This feature exhibits control over Berea, Oriskany, Newburg, Clinton, and Rose Run production.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas