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Abstract: Truth or Dare: The Maquoketa-Trenton(!) Petroleum System

Cara B. Kiger, Paul D. Howell

Middle Ordovician carbonates produce hydrocarbons in many portions of the Illinois, Michigan and Appalachian basins. Although both reservoir and source potential of the superjacent Upper Ordovician shales are well characterized, little published work has combined these into a coherent description of this petroleum system. Building on the approach suggested by Magoon and Dow (AAPG Memoir 60, 1994), we are developing a comprehensive petroleum system model for these reservoirs, their proven and potential source rocks, and the timing and style of hydrocarbon generation, migration and entrapment. We refer to this as the Maquoketa-Trenton(!) petroleum system, following the notation of Magoon and Dow for a proven oil-source correlation with "Maquoketa" representing the Upper Ord vician source rocks and "Trenton" referring to Middle Ordovician carbonate reservoirs, regardless of their local stratigraphic nomenclature.

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AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas