Abstract: Some Practical Aspects of Reservoir Management
Michael L. Fowler, Mark A. Young, E. Lance Cole, Michael P. Madden
The practical essence of reservoir management is the optimal application of available resources--people, equipment, technology, and money- to maximize profitability and recovery. Success must include knowledge and consideration of (1) the reservoir system, (2) the technologies available, and (3) the reservoir management business environment.
Two Reservoir Management Demonstration projects (one in a small, newly-discovered field and one in a large, mature waterflood) implemented by the Department of Energy through BDM-Oklahoma illustrate the diversity of situations suited for reservoir management efforts. Project teams made up of experienced engineers, geoscientists, and other professionals arrived at an overall reservoir management strategy for each field.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas