Abstract: Predicting Permeability with NMR Imaging in the Edwards Limestone/Stuart City Trend, Texas
Hank Dewitt, Mike Globe, Ray Sorenson
Determining pore size and pore geometry relationships in carbonate rocks and relating both to permeability is difficult using traditional logging methods. This problem is further complicated by the presence of abundant microporosity (pore size less than 62 microns) in the Edwards Limestone. The use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMR) allows for an alternative approach to evaluating the pore types present by examining the response of hydrogen nuclei contained within the free fluid pore space. By testing the hypothesis that larger pore types exhibit an NMR signal decay much slower than smaller pore types, an estimate of the pore type present, (i.e.) vuggy, interparticle, or micropores, can be inferred. Calibration of the NMR decay curve to known samples with measure petrophysical properties allows for improved predictability of pore types and permeability. The next stage of the analysis involves the application of the calibration technique to the borehole environment using an NMR logging tool to more accurately predict production performance.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas