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Abstract: Petrophysical Properties and Geology of Selected Intervals in the Frio Formation, Stratton Field, South Texas for Modeling Interwell Seismic Logging Response

Hughbert A. Collier, Jorge O. Parra

Seismic or continuity logging consists of locating a seismic source in one borehole near or in a low-velocity layer and deploying a detector array in a second borehole. Detection of guided waves transmitted between the two wells indicates bed connectivity. The guided wave signatures are either leaky modes or normal modes (or both).

The technique has numerous applications in various types of heterogeneous geological environments, including many Gulf Coast gas reservoirs. It can be used to determine the continuity of beds between wells, estimate and locate variations in the thickness of beds, and estimate the average rock physical properties of the beds.

Stratton field was selected as the Gulf-Coast-gas-play type field for a project to model interwell seismic logging responses.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas