Integrated Geochemical Workstation on the PC: Data Base, GIS Mapping, and Multivariate Statistical Predictions
John E. Zumberge, John Alexander, Brian Rohrback, Craig
Schiefelbein, and Stephen Brown
With the advent of more powerful personal computers and corresponding graphical software, it is possible to integrate large geochemical crude oil data bases with geographical information system software. In addition, classification of crude oils based on genetic origin using multivariate modeling techniques can be accomplished on the same platform. This allows for the effortless mapping of geochemical parameters ranging from bulk characteristics such as percent sulfur to specific biomarker ratios like the gammacerane index. Oil families determined from principal component and cluster analyses can be mapped. Biomarker mass chromatograms, stored as pictures in the data base, can also be accessed from a map view.
Microsoft's® Access data base software, Esri's ArcView® GIS mapping software, and InfoMetrix's Pirouette® statistical modeling programs, along with Adobe's Acrobat electronic publishing software can all be tied together using a Pentium® class personal computer under Microsoft's Windows® operating system. An example of a geochemical study of almost 200 oils from Venezuela will be illustrated.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California