Global Play Evaluation Tool (GPETO) Assists Mobil Explorationists with Play Evaluation and Ranking
K. D. Withers, P. J. Brown, R. C. Clary, T. M. Levy, G. R.
Pekarek, and D. A. Walker
GPETO is a relational database and application containing information about over 2500 plays around the world. It also has information about approximately 30,000 fields and the related provinces. The GPETO application has been developed to assist Mobil geoscientists, planners and managers with global play evaluations and portfolio management. The main features of GPETO allow users to:
- view or modify play and province information,
- composite user specified plays in a statistically valid way,
- view threshold information for plays and provinces, including curves,
- examine field size data, including discovered, future and ultimate field sizes for provinces and plays,
- use a database browser to lookup and validate data by geographic, volumetric, technical and business criteria,
- display ranged values and graphical displays of future and ultimate potential for plays, provinces, countries, and continents,
- run, view and print a number of informative reports containing input and output data from the system.
The GPETO application is written in C and Fortran, runs on a Unix-based system, utilizes an Ingres database, and was implemented using a three-tiered client/server architecture.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California