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The Calvin Impact Crater and Its Associated Oil Production, Cass County, Michigan

Randall L. Milstein

The Calvin impact crater is an isolated, nearly circular subsurface structure of Late Ordovician age in southwestern Michigan. The crater is defined by 110 oil and gas test wells, has a diameter of 6.2 km, and consists of a central dome exhibiting 415 m of structural uplift, an annular depression, and an encircling anticlinal rim.

Exploration and development of three Devonian oil fields associated with this structure provide all available subsurface data. All oil production is from the Middle Devonian Traverse Limestone, with the exception of one well producing from the Middle Devonian Sylvania Sandstone.

This study models the gross morphology of the Calvin structure using multiple tools and compares the results to known impact craters. Combined results of reflection seismic, gravity, magnetic, and resistivity data, as well as recognized relationships between stratigraphic displacement and structural diameters observed in complex impact craters, suggest the Calvin structure is morphologically similar to recognized complex impact craters in sedimentary targets. in addition, individual quartz grains recovered from the Calvin structure exhibit decorated shock lamellae, Boehm lamellae, rhombohederal cleavage, and radiating concussion fractures.

Based on the available data, I conclude the Calvin structure is a buried complex impact crater and that the trapping and reservoir characteristics of the associated Calvin 20, Juno Lake, and Calvin 28 oil fields are resultant of the crater's morphology.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California