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Preservation of Primary Porosity in the Neogene Clastic Reservoirs of the Surma Basin, Bangladesh

Hasan S. Ferdous and Robin W. Renaut

The Surma Basin is a Tertiary sub-basin within the greater Bengal Basin, in N.E. Bangladesh. The Neogene sequence (~17 km thick) contains the producing hydrocarbon reservoirs with proven gas reserves. These sediments are alternating coarse and fine clastics, representing a complex interfingering of deltaic and marine subenvironments, with the former dominating. The principal reservoir facies are distributary channel-fill sandstones in a lower delta-plain setting.

Kailashtila, Beanibazar and Rashidpur, located in anticlinal structures, are major hydrocarbon-producing fields in the E. Surma Basin. Petrographic analysis shows that primary intergranular porosity mainly controls the reservoir quality of these Neogene sands, which occur at a depth of ~3000 m. Most samples show primary pores with about 20% porosity and permeabilities of about 200 mD. The preservation of a higher proportion of primary pores in fine to medium grained sandstones is a result of (1) moderate compaction resulting from overpressuring caused by a higher rate of subsidence and sedimentation, (2) weak cementation, and (3) a general lack of deleterious clays and the presence of some grain- rimming chlorites. The general absence of long and sutured grain contacts also supports these observations.

Some of the existing literature suggests that secondary pores are dominant in the Neogene sandy reservoirs of the Bengal Basin; however, they contribute little (~2%) to the total porosity in the Surma Basin.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California