Regional and Reservoir-Scale Analysis of Fault Systems and Structural Development of Pagerungan Gas Field, East Java Sea, Indonesia
R. K. Davies, D. A. Medwedeff, G. P. O'Donnell, E. S.
Soemantri, and W. J. Ebanks Jr.
Pagerungan gas field lies on a complexly faulted and folded anticline just north of the major Sakala-Paliat Fault System (SPFS) offshore Bali. The Eocene clastic reservoir is affected by two generations of faults: Eocene normal and Neogene compressional faults. Fault geometry, timing and connectivity is determined by combining regional and field-scale methods.
Restored regional structure maps and sections indicate the field is located on the L. Eocene, footwall-paleo-high of the south-dipping SPFS. Within the field, smaller normal faults nucleated sub-parallel to the SPFS with both synthetic and antithetic dips. Neogene to Present compression folded the strata creating closure in the field, reversed slip on selected preexisting normal faults and nucleated new reverse fault sets. Some normal faults are completed inverted, others have net normal offset after some reverse slip, and still others are not reactivated. Reverse faults strike sub-parallel to earlier formed normal faults. The eastern and western parts of the field are distinguished by the style and magnitude of early compressional deformation.
3D seismic analysis indicates the geometry of reservoir faults is similar to the regional fault systems: sub-parallel segments share displacement at the terminations either by distributed deformation in the rock between adjacent terminations or through short cross-faults oriented at a high angle to the principal fault sets. Anomalous trends in the contours of throw projected onto fault surfaces predict the connectivity of complex fault patterns.
Integration of regional and field-scale analysis provides the most accurate prediction of fault geometry and lays the foundation for field development.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California