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3-D Marine Gravity Gradiometry: Examples of Exploration Applications in the Gulf of Mexico

Robin E. Bell, Lincoln F. Pratson, Roger N. Anderson, Dan Dosch, John White, Clive Affleck, Ed K. Biegert, Bryant E. Korn, and Ronald L. Phair

Gravity gradiometry has the potential to become a powerful exploration tool with enhanced resolution relative to classic marine gravity. The improved resolution of gravity gradiometry for exploration applications is equivalent to the improvement 3-D seismics provided over 2-D seismics. Over the last 2 years, gravity gradiometry acquired over exploration targets has been acquired with the Bell Aerospace gravity Gradiometry Survey System (GSS). The GSS is a formerly classified gravity sensing system that contains the world's only moving base gravity gradiometer. The system measures both gravitational acceleration and gravity gradients, yielding six measurements that define the local gravity field and its gradients in three dimension. This paper will present an overview of g avity gradiometry applications illustrated with actual data from the Gulf of Mexico. Exploration examples of high-resolution gravity gradiometry use include enhancement of seismic interpretations, identification of sub-salt sediment fairways and exact location of salt body boundaries.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California