Abstract: Heat Absorption in Sedimentary Cover in Some Areas of the USA and Canada
Arkady N. Pilchin
For study of geothermal state and presence of heat absorption intervals (HAI) in some areas of the USA and Canada the methods of HAI discovery in sedimentary cover (Pilchin 1978, 1983) were used.
HAI are determined on the Paleozoic surface of all areas in the Southern Alberta and in the north part of Williston Basin (Canada). In the Swan Hills area the HAI are observed in Grosmont and Beaverhile intervals.
In the USA the HAI have been found in sedimentary cover of areas Fifth Water Site (Utah), Valles Caldera (New Mexico) and also in Michigan Basin, Central Ventura Basin and Salton Sea. Average heat generation is -0.04 mW/m3 in cretaceous-paleocen of Fifth Water Site area, -0.11 mW/m3 in VC-1 Well (Valles Caldera, 20-760 m), -0.06 mW/m3 in State 2-14 Well (Salton Sea, 300-900 m).
In Michigan Basin the HAI are discovered in upper Michigan formation, Sunbury Shale, Clinton Shale. In Central Ventura Basin the average heat generation is -0.007 mW/m3 and -0.018 mW/m3 correspondingly for Pfeiler-10 and Diedrich-l Wells (Oxnard Field) and 0 for Lloyd-26 and Lloyd-161 Wells (Ventura Avenue Field).
The conducted investigations show that in all studied regions the HAI are present.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90957©1995 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma