Abstract: Results and Implications of New Regional Seismic Lines in the Malay Basin
W. Leslie, W. K. Ho, Muzammal Abdul Ghani
Regional seismic data, which was only previously acquired between 1968 and 1971 by early operators in the Malay Basin, has limitations because the sophisticated modern-day acquisition and processing techniques were not available. These old data do not permit confident mapping below 3 s (TWT), equivalent to approximately 3000 m subsea, but aeromagnetic data indicate that the total sedimentary thickness exceeds 13,000 m. Hence, existing regional seismic data with a record length of 5 s (TWT) is neither adequate to map deeper play opportunities nor able to aid in understanding the geological history of the basin.
New plays at deeper levels may exist. (1) Geochemical modeling results now predict the top of the oil generation window at depths greater than previously thought. (2) Existing gas fields occur in the upper section in areas of thickest sedimentary fill but underlying targets have not been tested. (3) Past exploration has been focused on oil and not gas in deeper structures.
Because of Malaysia's rapid development and its dedication to the protection of the environment, gas is becoming an increasingly important energy source. Hence, ample internal markets for additional gas discoveries are being created.
A better understanding of the Malay Basin geological history will assist in locating these potential plays. To do this, Petronas acquired approximately 3000 line km of high-quality regional seismic data to further exploration efforts in this prospective region.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90982©1994 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 21-24, 1994