ZHOLTAEV, G. Z., Kazakhstan Polytechnic Institute, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
ABSTRACT: Geodynamic Model and Oil and Gas Prospects of the Pre-Caspian Basin
The Pre-Caspian basin has gone through three cycles of dynamic development. The third cycle, starting in the Devonian, included all the stages of geodynamic evolution: crustal destruction, spreading, convergence, collision, and isostatic compensation. In the Paleozoic, within the present boundaries of the Pre-Caspian basin were three sedimentary subbasins, which were fundamentally different from one another in terms of the dynamics of subsidence, rates of sedimentation, and heat flow, as reflected in the conversion of organic matter into hydrocarbons and the formation of oil and gas accumulation zones. The eastern, southeastern, and southern edges of the Pre-Caspian basin are complicated by overthrusts, and there are exploration prospects under the allochthons in the autochthonous car onate complex.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article
#90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands,
October 17-20, 1993.