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VAN DER ZWAN, C. J., Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V., Assen, Netherlands; and J. G. M. VAN DE LAAR,* H. J. M. PAGNIER, and H. W. J. VAN AMEROM, Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Single Well Multidisciplinary Facies Reconstruction (De Lutte-6, Upper Carboniferous, Netherlands)

De Lutte-6 is a key well situated in onshore Netherlands. A cored lithological sequence from the Upper Carboniferous has been investigated by means of palynology, palynofacies, paleobotany, and sedimentology. Paleobotanical data suggest a late Westphalian C to late Westphalian D age. Palynological assemblages have a late Westphalian D-Stephanian character. This discrepancy suggests that the local paleobotanical remains allow for a more precise age determination, whereas the palynological data provide information about the regional facies development. Palynofacies analyses combined with palynoflora data indicate a gradual transition from a waterlogged flood plain characterized by a diverse lycopod/cordait palynoflora, to a well-drained flood plain with an impoverished cordait/conifer p lynoflora. The sedimentological data, combined with the palynological and the paleobotanical data, suggest that the flood plains alternate with swamp and lake deposits. The transition from a waterlogged flood plain to a well-drained flood plain coincides with the transition from intervals characterized by seat-earth soils (indicating humid conditions) to intervals characterized by immature calcic soils (witnessing semihumid to semi-arid conditions).

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.