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MORKOVSKY, MILAN, Geofyzika a.c. Brno, JOSE CVERCKO, JULIUS MAGYAR, and RUDOLF RUDINEC, NAFTA a.c Gbely, Czechoslovakia

ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Potential of Rollover Structure Senne-Stretava in the Western Part of the Transcarpathian Depression

Neogene beds of the East Slovakian Lowland and the Transcarpathian Ukraine are filling up the Transcarpathian depression where deposits of five stratigraphic units are present (Eggenburgian, Karpatian, Badenian, Sarmatian, Pannonian and Pliocene). Each unit is composed of both transgressive and regressive facies of sandstone, conglomerate, claystone, volcanites and two evaporite layers.

The largest hydrocarbon resources have been stated in Sarmatian transitional facies of fluvial-delta-shallow marine sandstone to conglomerate creating in the western part of the Transcarpathian depression the most extensive Senne-Stretava structure. The gas field is localized 55 km easterly from Kosice, in eastern Slovakia. The field was discovered in 1884 and at present there are economic resources of 4.0 billion cu m of natural gas. There are nine productive complexes of Sarmatian age, in 800-2.000 m depth interval. This is a stratigraphic type of trap in a zone of structural inversion. The lens-like productive horizons occur over almost 17 sq km large area.

New seismic data point to the possibility that the gas-bearing horizons continue to southwest and southeast.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.