MEYER, K., F. NIEBERDING, E. STAHL, and G. BACHMANN, Detimann Erdol Erdgas GmbH, Lingen, Germany
ABSTRACT: Fractured Carboniferous: A New Play in a Mature Exploration Region
The northwest German Permian and Carboniferous has been an exploration target for some 30 yr. The search for naturally fractured reservoirs has become increasingly important after most of the conventional plays with porous reservoirs have been tested.
Recent gas discoveries in heavily fractured Carboniferous and Zechstein 40 km northwest of Hannover, Germany, serve as a case study for additional exploration potential of significant extent in mature exploration areas.
Advanced techniques, e. g., three-dimensional seismic methods, fracture detection, and experimental tectonics led to a new exploration play in this mature region.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.