KOUWE, WIM, InterGeos, Leiderdorp, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Sequences and Cyclicities in the Upper Rotliegende of the Netherlands
A regional study of released well and core data from the Netherlands on- and offshore territory, performed by InterGeos, has revealed the preservation of supersequences, sequences, and short-term cyclicities in upper Rotliegende deposits. These have always been interpreted as formed in an inland basin, disconnected from marine influence. Sequences and cyclicities are reflected in vertical sections by correlatable alternations of lithofacies, which can be observed in cores and wireline logs. The lithofacies shifts, which often show a marked periodicity, are interpreted as caused by climatic fluctuations. This implies that sequence stratigraphic methods can be used also in the southern Permian basin, even though direct marine influence is dubious.
Supersequences, sequences, and cyclicities each have specific applications in Rotliegende exploration. Supersequences serve best for rough regional correlation and prediction of sand and clay. Sequences are suited for detailed regional or field correlation and studies of the detailed distribution of (un) favorable lithofacies, e.g., within a field. The correlation of sequences has revealed that existing lithostratigraphy is diachronous in character.
Short-term cycles can be used to make estimates of net sedimentation rates and sequence durations, because the periods of these Milankovitch cycles are known. Short-term cyclicities are preserved better in the desert red beds of the Rotliegende than in coastal plain deposits such as the Carboniferous, where they are overprinted heavily by longer term cyclicities.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.