GRANDIC, SANJIN, Western Geophysical, Isleworth, Middlesex, England, and MARIO SUSTERCIC and EDITA BALAS, Ina-Naftaplin, Zagreb, Croatia
ABSTRACT: Exploration Concept and Characteristic of the Dinarides Stratigraphic and Structural Model in the Croatian Offshore Area
The Dinarides Mesozoic carbonate platform constitutes an extensive paleogeographic unit of the Neo-Tethys platform system. Despite a large sedimentary complex within the platform displaying good hydrocarbon potential, no economic oil accumulations have as yet been discovered. A detailed study of the latest seismic and well data from the Kornati block and other relevant areas suggests, however, that a modified exploration scenario, based on the following elements, could be proposed. (l) Systematic lateral distribution of potential petroliferous facies, between the Istrian-Dalmatian marginal zones and the central zone of the external Dinarides. Also, evidence of regular facies changes during platform evolution. (2) Paleotectonic control of varying depositional environments. These range rom extremely restricted (anoxic) conditions, to high-energy zones on the platform margins and the edges of intraplatform basins and lagoons. (3) A link between the structural style of the final platform formation, and the brittle to ductile relationship of the platform carbonates and the underlying Permian-Triassic halokinetic deposits. This relationship occurred during the Apulia microplate collision and shearing. (4) Differential platform subsidence and burial of potential source rock during platform evolution. Also, post-platform flysch and Molasse sedimentation. (5) Rotational displacement of potential hydrocarbon reservoirs away from the conventional target of exploratory drilling.
An acceptance of the above-mentioned elements, particularly
the rotation concept, could contribute toward developing a more effective exploration strategy. This should involve seismostratigraphic and other refined exploration methods in many zones of the Neo-Tethys carbonate platform system characterized by similar rotational displacement.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.