DURAND, JACQUES, Elf Aquitaine Production, Pau, France, GILLES DRULLION, Elf Enterprise Caledonia, Aberdeen, Scotland, and HUBERT LECANU, Elf Aquitaine Production, Pau, France
ABSTRACT: Uncertainty in Reservoir Prediction: Example of a Shelf Edge Delta Field
Four wells have been drilled to appraise an oil field occurring in middle to upper Miocene sandstones of the eastern offshore Niger Delta. Because the reservoir thickness is below seismic resolution, the reservoir model is based on cores, high-resolution dipmeter tools, and conventional wireline logs. The model developed with the first three wells consists of dip-oriented elongate marine sandbodies occurring in an estuary mouth that were identified from cores and microresistivity response. They are interpreted to be located in the outer zone of the estuary dominated by tidal processes. Foreset dip azimuths measured from the Formation Micro Scanner suggest straight-crested bed forms and show that sand transport was dominantly to the west and northwest. This direction is interpreted to e the net export direction of the deltaic distributary system to the sea. The tidal mouth bars are stacked in seaward-stepping or landward-stepping patterns and are time transgressive. The reservoir was expected to progressively disappear westward. Facies revealed in cores from the fourth well drilled in a westward direction differ from the model proposed above. Vertically dipping beds are overlapped by normal-dipping tidal sandbars interbedded with gravity flow facies. Dipmeter study and facies characteristics suggest an olistolitic block progressively overlain by deltaic progradation due to the destabilization of the delta front in an extensional stress regime. On seismic profiles, a major listric normal fault associated with roll-over structure confirms this upgraded reservoir interpr tation.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.