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BAIRD, ANGUS, JON KELLY, and RICHARD SYMONDS, Stratigraphic Services International Limited, Guildford, Surrey, England

ABSTRACT: The Reservoir Potential of the Zechstein-3 Carbonate Member (Platten), Offshore Netherlands

The Platten has been examined from 31 released and nonreleased wells, dominantly from northern P and Q quadrants, Dutch North Sea, and including a limited number of adjacent onshore wells.

Wireline log interpretations have been allied with available core log, sidewall core, and ditch sample data. This has allowed a division into four broad facies associations: lower ramp, shoal shoreface, lagoonal, and the dominantly siliciclastic peritidal. Primary porosity is concentrated in ooid grainstones of the shoal/shoreface facies association. Diagenesis has also been examined. While the Platten has been broadly affected by early dolomitization, which generally occluded porosity, later diagenesis was more selective and had a significant control on porosity creation as well as occlusion. Location of Platten reservoir potential is shown by facies association, diagenetic texture, and percentage porosity maps. The best reservoir conditions in the Platten exist where the shoal/shore ace facies association coincides with faults and with diagenesis associated with fluid movements through fractures. Low-temperature hydrothermal fluids are shown in this study to be the most important control on the hydrocarbon potential of the Platten in much of the P and Q quadrants.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.