REIF, LINDA TURNLEY, Mobil Oil Company, New Orleans, LA, and GARY L. KINSLAND, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA
ABSTRACT: Relationships of Seismic Amplitudes and Gas Content of the Miocene Amos Sand, Mobile Bay Area, Offshore Alabama
Mobil Oil Company has collected three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data over Mary Ann field in the Mobile Bay area, Alabama. Although the survey was designed and collected so as to image the deeper Norphlet Sands, amplitude anomalies in the image of the shallow Miocene Amos Sand are evident. Relationships are developed between the seismic amplitudes and net feet of gas in the Amos Sand at the few existing wells. These relationships are used to predict net feet of gas everywhere in the area of the seismic survey. The result is a contoured map of net feet of gas in the Miocene Amos Sand in Mary Ann field.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90989©1993 GCAGS and Gulf Coast SEPM 43rd Annual Meeting, Shreveport, Louisiana, October 20-22, 1993.