BISHOP, RICHARD S., and PETER P. McLAUGHLAN, Exxon Exploration Co., Houston, TX
ABSTRACT: Thermo-Tectonic History of the Eastern Mediterranean-Middle East Region, Based on Geohistory Analysis
We have conducted geohistory analyses for 206 locations from 24 basins in the Eastern Mediterranean-Middle East region to help delineate regional subsidence patterns and identify source rock kitchens for oil and gas. Geohistory results were integrated with regional plate tectonic, paleogeographic, structural, and stratigraphic data to produce a series of thermo-tectonic maps. Thermo-tectonic maps show the areal extent and interpreted cause of crustal subsidence (thermal vs. mechanical) for specific time periods on a tectonically reconstructed base. For thermal subsidence events, the maps may include `smoothed' contours of crustal thinning (gamma), which can be used to interpret intensity of heat flow. We have utilized this approach in evaluating regional subsidence patterns for eight
ubsidence events from Permian to mid-Neogene time that affected large areas of the Arabian Plate and the northern part of the African Plate: 270 Ma (Early Permian Event), 192 Ma (Early Jurassic Event), 152 Ma (Middle Jurassic Event), 112 Ma and 97 Ma (`Middle' Cretaceous Events), 85 Ma (Late Cretaceous Event), 52 Ma (Early Eocene Event), 16 Ma (Middle Miocene Event). Such thermo-tectonic maps serve as useful tools for evaluation of the timing and magnitude of subsidence and thermal events that affect source maturation
predictions, particularly for projecting regional trends into areas where data suitable for accurate geohistory and
history analysis is limited. They provide a common ground for the evaluation of data from a number of technical disciplines (stratigraphy, tectonic
and migration) and for the integration of analyses from multiple geohistory sites into a regional framework.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90987©1993 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25-28, 1993.