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ABSTRACT: Windfall Area--Critical Sour Gas Development, Alberta, Canada

FREUND, Previous HitHAROLDTop F., and MEGHAN E. RUCK, Chevron Canada Resources, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The newly discovered Windfall Blue Ridge gas pool in central Alberta, Canada (T58,59,60, R16-18W5), is an example of the ongoing challenges that industry faces when dealing with environmental concerns.

Environmental concerns deal with extensive river and creek crossings by pipeline, seismic lines, and road networks, working in harmony with numerous forestry operations in both logging and replanting. However, the most critical environmental concern is the nature of the resource being produced, a high pressure (24,000 kPa) sour natural gas (18-20% H2S) rich in liquids (70-100 bbl condensate/mmcf).

Alberta Conservation Board regulations require critical sour gas applications for all wells drilled in the area, and there are strict guidelines for pipelines used to carry the gas to the nearby K-3 sour gas plant. The gas plant as well is heavily regulated for emission control, sulfur recovery, etc.

The total impact will be 25-30 wells ultimately with their associated well heads, gathering lines, and pipelines.

The possibility of several large 3-D seismic programs will also require sound coordination with Forestry, Fish and Wildlife, and Drilling and Construction groups.

Industry and the environment are not mutually exclusive and with coordination, communication, and negotiation, even the toughest obstacles can be overcome.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91012©1992 AAPG Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 22-25, 1992 (2009)