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The Discovery and Development of the Lonesome Dove II Field, Concho County, Texas

WATTERS, GEORGE, Marshall and Winston, Inc., Midland, TX, and LEE SANDERS,* Halliburton Logging Services, Midland, TX

The Lonesome Dove II field in Concho County, Texas, was discovered in March 1989. Since the initial discovery well, 23 wells have been drilled in the lower King sandstone. Twenty wells are oil producers resulting in a monthly oil production in excess of 50,000 bbl for the field. We focus upon (1) the use of geochemical techniques leading to the discovery of the field, and (2) the use of dipmeter for the development of the field.

First, we give a brief review of the geochemical technique used in mapping the original prospect and then discuss the criteria for selection of the first well. The reservoir characteristics of the lower King sandstone are described using the data from conventional cores, sidewall cores, and electric logs.

We then review the use of dipmeters for the development and extension of the field beyond the geochemical anomaly. We also discuss statistical methods for interpretation of the dipmeter data for predicting favorable well locations. The statistical methods for interpretation are contrasted with the more traditional methods of dipmeter interpretation.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91011©1991 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Abilene, Texas, February 9-12, 1991 (2009)