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The Use of Balanced Cross Sections to Design the Cymric/McKittrick Area Tulare Steamfloods

DUNN, JOHN F., Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Bakersfield, CA

Recently developed techniques of cross section balancing by the kink method are being used to precisely define the structure of the Tulare Formation fold belt in one area of the Cymric/McKittrick Oil field, San Joaquin Valley, California. The Tulare fold belt is a series of northeast-verging, fault-propagation folds that are detached near the base of the Tulare Formation. Good sand continuity and a detailed understanding of the reservoir structural geometry is necessary for successful steamflooding, requiring a rigorous method of structural interpretation to precisely define this highly-folded area. Because of reservoir depletion over the crest of anticlines in Cymric, experience has shown that the most successful steamflood configuration is a staggered line drive with both the produc rs and injectors located as close to the synclinal axes as possible. This promotes maximum heating and drainage of the reservoir. This configuration is most effective in steeply-dipping reservoirs, although producers downdip of injectors produce the most oil and experience the least amount of steam breakthrough even in fairly moderately dipping (20 degree) reservoirs.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91009©1991 AAPG-SEPM-SEG-SPWLA Pacific Section Annual Meeting, Bakersfield, California, March 6-8, 1991 (2009)