ABSTRACT: Analyzing Reservoir Heterogeneity Using 3-D, 3-C Seismic
Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson
The objective of the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) Seismic Reservoir Characterization Project is to research applications of 3-D, multicomponent (3-C) seismic data to reservoir characterization and development. Through industry consortia participation, the first ever 3-D, 3-C seismic surveys were conducted at the Silo (1987) and South Casper Creek (1989) fields of Wyoming. These surveys provide detailed structure, stratigraphy, anisotropy, and seismic attribute images of reservoir heterogeneity caused by faults, fractures, and facies changes. In the Silo field, areas of large positive shear wave anisotropy (up to 8%) correspond to zones of high fracture density in the Cretaceous Niobrara chalk reservoir.
Effective reservoir exploitation and management requires that heterogeneity be documented. Once documented, development drilling, including horizontal wells, can be sited and completed to optimize recovery efficiency and performance. New 3-D, 3-C seismic surveys designed to improve reservoir characterization should decrease developmental risk and increase the volume of hydrocarbon recovery in existing fields.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91002©1990 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Denver, Colorado, September 16-19, 1990