Depositional Setting and Thin-Section Petrology of Misener Formation (Devonian) in Northeast Nash and Nearby Fields, North-Central Oklahoma
Billy M. Francis, Charles F. Mansfield
The Devonian-age Misener formation is a mixed quartzose-carbonate sequence that is widely but discontinuously distributed in northern Oklahoma. Eleven conventional cores representing five different Misener oil fields in Grant and Garfield Counties were examined to determine the depositional setting and petrology of the formation. The Misener ranges in thickness to approximately 60 ft and is everywhere overlain by the Woodford Shale. The Misener-Woodford sequence unconformably overlies the Hunton Group (Silurian-Devonian), Sylvan Shale (Ordovician), Viola Limestone (Ordovician), and Simpson Group (Ordovician). Core descriptions show the Misener to be a clean sand containing scattered disrupted clay laminae, shale clasts, and pyrite nodules. The contacts between the overlyi g Woodford Shale and the underlying Hunton and pre-Hunton strata are sharp and slightly undulose. Thin-section petrology indicates the Misener contains fine to medium-grained, rounded to subangular, quartz-rich sandstone with little or no dolomite and, in places, grades into a dolomite-rich sandstone with floating quartz grains. Quartz overgrowths are abundant and calcite cement is less common. Other components comprising the Misener strata include phosphatic shale clasts, phosphatic fossil fragments, glauconite, and chert. Porosity ranges from 0 to 14% and much of it appears to have been diagenetically induced.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91039©1987 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, September 27-29, 1987.