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Guarumen-Carora, New Frontiers in Search for Hydrocarbons

Nestor A. Chigne

Regional geologic and geophysical studies outline a highly prospective area for hydrocarbon exploration in Guarumen, on the southern margin of the Caribbean mountain system of Venezuela. The geologic model of the area involves allochthonous nappes originating in the north, overriding an autochthonous sedimentary sequence. Two structural regimes are characteristic of the area: extension, with relevant structures in the autochthon, and compression, with large thrusts in the allochthon.

At the end of the Cretaceous, the main polymetamorphosed body of the Caribbean mountain range was pushed to the south, overriding Paleogene flysch deposits. During the late Miocene, this composite was thrust to the south, folding and faulting frontal Neogene sediments.

The geologic configuration of Guarumen is comparable to that of other areas in the world, such as the Bavarian Alps in Germany and the Idaho-Wyoming Overthrust belt.

Thermal maturation simulations of probable source rock indicate that Guarumen is a thermally mature area with a high probability to produce light-volatile hydrocarbons.

Carora, 130 km to the northwest, was part of the same geologic province, which was separated by dextral movement of the Bocono fault. Carora could also be an excellent area for hydrocarbon exploration. Verification of the proposed geologic model in this virgin area would indicate a high potential for petroleum exploration. This could open up to exploration 600 km along the mountain front to the east and northwest of Guarumen.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91038©1987 AAPG Annual Convention, Los Angeles, California, June 7-10, 1987.