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Abstract: Nesson Anticline--Past, Present, and Future

Michael S. Johnson

Since its discovery in 1951, over 280 million bbl of oil and 575 Bcf of gas have been produced from Nesson anticline oil fields. About 77% of oil produced is from the Madison Limestone and the rest is from older rocks. Present daily oil production is about 23,000 bbl, down considerably from peak production attained in the 1960s. As determined from 1,150 oil wells, Madison reserves per well are over 186,000 bbl. A subsurface study of part of the Nesson anticline, where deep subsurface data are most plentiful, indicates that this structure is related to a basement high that has remained active from at least early Paleozoic to recent time. Production in the Madison Limestone is derived from lenticular porosity zones with low permeability. Fracturing has enhanced permeability. The produci g interval rises stratigraphically northward more than 200 ft (60 m) over a distance of approximately 70 mi (112 km). Water injection has not increased oil recovery from the Madison Limestone. Most future oil discoveries will be seismic controlled, deep and small sized, but should be prolific.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90969©1977 AAPG-SEPM Rocky Mountain Sections Meeting, Denver, Colorado