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Abstract: Sediment-Dispersal Trends of Caminada-Moreau Chenier-Beach System

John Harper

The Caminada-Moreau chenier plain is located within an abandoned distributary system of the Mississippi River, and its formation is closely related to shifts of the active delta. The most recent of these changes, the shift to the present bird-foot delta (800 years B.P.), has placed a dynamic stress on the beach system by changing the effective-wave climate and by cutting off the sediment source. The system response to this dynamic stress is a redistribution of sediments to reduce longshore power gradients.

Despite the moderate-wave climate found in the Gulf of Mexico, extremely high erosion rates have resulted in long-term shoreline retreat as high as 20 m/year and a net volumetric loss of 5.6 × 105 cu m/year over a 20-km shoreline section. The sediment movement is dominated by longshore transport as evidenced by longshore gradients in erosion rates, which decrease from west to east. Sediment movement occurs primarily during high-energy events (storms) rather than as seasonal trends. Of the material transported downdrift, 41% is captured on the Grand Isle barrier. The sediment crosses Caminada Pass through lateral migration of interchannel shoals.

The Caminada-Moreau beach system has several levels of form-process variability. On a large scale, the coastline is undergoing reorientation toward the direction of dominant wave approach. On a smaller scale, sediment is being eroded, transported, and redeposited as sediment envelopes, as opposed to a continuous sediment flow. The tidal inlet represents an important sediment-redistribution point where some of the sediment passes laterally across the inlet and the remainder is either lost offshore or incorporated with the tidal-delta complex.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90967©1977 GCAGS and GC Section SEPM 27th Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas