--> Figure A

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Figure A-21. Photographs of core samples from Trenton Formation in Humble Anderson Whitaker No. 2, 29-7S-4W.

1. 3056 ft--Burrow-mottled wacke/packstone. Crinoids and brachiopods compose most of the skeletal debris. This sample is entirely dolomite, with poor porosity.

2. 3079 ft--Burrowed-mottled dolowackestone. The white cement is dolomite.

3. 3083 ft--Dolowackestone with vuggy porosity. Upper vug is filled with (1) nonferroan dolomite and (2) celestite. Lower vugs/ fractures are lined with (1) nonferroan dolomite (white) and (2) ferroan dolomite (gray).

4. 3111 ft--Burrow-mottled skeletal wacke/packstone. This sample is entirely dolomite except for the final fracture/vug filling. The fracture is filled with (1) nonferroan dolomite, (2) ferroan dolomite, and (3) calcite (darker shade).

5. 3146 ft--Burrowed-mottled dolopackstone with vug/fracture filled by coarse pink dolomite.

6. 3155 ft--Nodular to wavy bedded, shaly wacke/packstone. Fracture filled with (1) ferroan dolomite and (2) calcite.

7. 3191 ft--Skeletal wacke/packstone with good (10%) fracture porosity. Fractures are lined with coarse, ferroan dolomite cement. Coarse fragments of wall rock are within large fractures.

8. 3232 ft--Bryozoan wacke/packstone from lower part of the core. At other locations, the bryozoan-rich facies is continuous downward into the Black River.