--> Figure 22

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Figure 22—Photomicrographs of diagenetic constituents. 

(A). Gulf Freed No. 1 (6-12N-2W): 6284 ft--Silica cement as syntaxial quartz overgrowths; illitic dust rims are visible on some of the original quartz grains; crossed nicols. 

(B). H. Gungoll Alice No. 3-12 (12-24N-6W): 6302 ft--Chert cement replacing dolomite rhombs (arrow) and filling pore spaces of quartzose sandstone with carbonate cement; crossed nicols. 

(C). Amerada Richey No. 1 (33-25N-6W): 6039 ft--Silica replacing early anhydrite; some remaining anhydrite laths show high birefringence; host rock is quartzose sandstone with scattered dolomite; crossed nicols. 

(D). North Central DeVries No. 1 (4-20N-3E): 4416 ft--Poikilotopic calcite cement stained with Alizarin Red S filling pore spaces; some dedolomitization is evident by red stain in the dolomite rhombs; host rock is quartzose sandstone with scattered dolomite; plane-polarized light. 

(E). Federal Wolleson No. 1 (22-21N-2W): 5097.5 ft--Euhedral dolomite rhombs, some showing dissolution; also the euhedral quartz crystal has experienced dissolution; plane-polarized light. 

(F). Amcana Anderson No. 1-2 (2-14N-3W): 6088.5 ft--Xenotopic C dolomite replacing chert shows sweeping extinction and anhedral crystal boundaries; crossed nicols.