--> Renewable Energy and Alternate Use on the Federal Outer Continental Shelf: A New Program Under the Authority of the Minerals Management Service, by Maurice Hill; #90052 (2006)
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Renewable Previous HitEnergyNext Hit and Alternate Use on the Federal Outer Continental Shelf: A New Program Under the Authority of the Previous HitMineralsNext Hit Management Service

Maurice Hill
Previous HitMineralsNext Hit Management Service, Camarillo, CA

The Previous HitEnergyNext Hit Policy Act of 2005 (Act) was signed into law on August 8, 2005. Section 388 of the Act authorized the Secretary of the Interior/Previous HitMineralsNext Hit Management Service (MMS) to grant leases, easements, or rights-of-way for renewable Previous HitenergyNext Hit-related projects and alternate use of existing oil and gas infrastructure on the Federal Outer Continental Shelf. As part of this new responsibility, MMS will

  • Develop an OCS renewable Previous HitenergyNext Hit and alternate use program and promulgate regulations within 270 days
  • Consult with States and other stakeholders
  • Serve as lead agency for the project review and decision process with other agencies to ensure compliance with environmental and operational requirements
  • Develop a revenue sharing formula by rulemaking for coastal states within 180 days
  • Establish royalties, fees, rentals, bonuses to ensure fair return
  • Contract needed scientific and engineering research
  • Establish an interagency comprehensive digital mapping initiative for the OCS

Examples of renewable Previous HitenergyTop sources include wind, wave, tidal current, hydrogen, solar, and biomass. Possible alternate uses of existing infrastructure include offshore aquaculture, research, education, recreation, support for offshore operations and facilities, and telecommunications facilities.