--> Phenomenon of the Albian Cenomanian Turonian Source Rock in the Suriname Part of the Guiana Basin
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2018 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition

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Phenomenon of the Albian Cenomanian Turonian Previous HitSourceNext Hit Previous HitRockNext Hit in the Suriname Part of the Guiana Basin


During the Equatorial Atlantic Rifting/ Drifting phase, in the northern part South America, one of the key elements was the deposition of organic carbon–rich sediments during the Mid - Late Cretaceous, which was controlled by global and local oceanographic, climatic, and tectonic elements. Now a days, this Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrockNext Hit is referred to as the “Canje” formation, which is the lateral equivalent of the La Luna shale in Venezuela and the Naparima Hill Formation in Trinidad. Oil from this Previous HitsourceNext Hit has been produced from the Tambaredjo, Calcutta and Tambaredjo North West oil-fields onshore Suriname and is also believed to charge the Liza discovery in the offshore area of Guyana. Numerous wells in the offshore area of Suriname have penetrated this prolific Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrockNext Hit. In the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) wells, CRC-1 well, A2-1 well and NCO-1 well, high Total Organic Carbon (TOC’s) and thick Cenomanian-Turonian Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrockNext Hit intervals were also encountered, but they seem to be immature. The maturity of the Previous HitsourceNext Hit is believed to increase towards the NW. High quality Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrockNext Hit also seems to be concentrated within the Albian to the Santonian interval. Biomarkers from the onshore Oil Fields suggest that the oil that is produced, is derived from the Albian Cenomanian – Turonian Previous HitSourceNext Hit Previous HitRockNext Hit, with other biomarkers which are believed to be derived from a more thicker Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrockNext Hit interval. The question to be asked is: “What is the potential of the Albian Cenomanian – Turonian Previous HitSourceNext Hit Previous HitRockTop in the Suriname part of the Guiana Basin?