--> Integration of Well, Core, and Seismic Data for 3D Depositional Environment and Reservoir Architecture Interpretation—Example from Offshore Vietnam
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Integration of Well, Core, and Seismic Data for 3D Depositional Environment and Reservoir Architecture Interpretation—Example from Offshore Vietnam


Determining the distribution and uncertainty of rock properties in a reservoir is fundamental for building a robust 3D geological model for field development. Higher Previous HitresolutionNext Hit 1D well and core information needs to be integrated with the lower Previous HitresolutionNext Hit 3D seismic volumes with the appropriate appreciation of the scale, Previous HitresolutionNext Hit and uncertainty of the data sets. Sub-centimeter scale Previous HitresolutionNext Hit can be achieved from detailed core description with sedimentary structures, trace fossils, grain size distribution, bed thicknesses, bed boundary characteristics, and bed stacking patterns giving indications of sedimentary processes that can be combined to infer depositional environments in a 1D Previous HitverticalNext Hit arrangement. Utilizing analogs of modern day and ancient systems, models can be proposed for the 3D distribution of sedimentary body architecture and rock property distribution. These analog models serve as starting points that need to be modified to the local parameters developed from seismic data sets to build a field specific geological model. Understanding the Previous HitresolutionTop of the seismic data is necessary to determine what size and shape of the sedimentary bodies can be resolved to take the 1D depositional environments interpreted from core away from the well bore into 3D seismic space. Data from offshore Vietnam serves as an example of this integration of well, core and seismic data sets for understanding reservoir distribution.