--> Abstract: Seismic Velocity Analysis in Shallow Evaporites from 3D Seismic Data: Northwestern Kansas, by Steve Reed and Hendratta Ali; #90176 (2013)
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Seismic Previous HitVelocityNext Hit Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit in Shallow Evaporites from 3D Seismic Previous HitDataNext Hit: Northwestern Kansas

Steve Reed and Hendratta Ali

Exploration in central and northwestern Kansas has known problems with near surface velocities. Seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit does not always accurately tie correctly with well log Previous HitdataNext Hit through evaporite formations. The evaporite effects on seismic exploration have been well studied in other areas like the Gulf of Mexico, due to the importance of Previous HitvelocityNext Hit for subsurface Previous HitanalysisNext Hit. When interpreting seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit, determining the correct depth to drill is extremely important. Missing a potential reservoir because the Previous HitdataNext Hit is off can be a costly error. Although numerous models have been developed to correct depth readings for wave velocities altered by evaporite deposits around the world, few studies have examined these effects in parts of central and northwestern Kansas. Two well- known shallow evaporite formations in Kansas; the Stone Corral anhydrite and the Hutchinson salt Formations are potential sources of Previous HitvelocityNext Hit problems in well to seismic ties in this area. The Hutchinson Salt formation is mostly known as the cause of numerous dissolution sinkholes throughout Kansas. The goal of this project is to investigate Previous HitvelocityNext Hit variations in shallow salt zones in parts of central and northwestern Kansas with active oil exploration. We use 3D seismic and well log Previous HitdataNext Hit to compare Previous HitvelocityNext Hit models. We mapped major formation tops, from well log Previous HitdataNext Hit and seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit from known marker beds. Previous HitVelocityNext Hit is modeled using sonic and density logs and modeled from drill times to known formations. A comparison Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of well and seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit was conducted to correct discrepancies observed in shallow zones. These results will be useful in furthering our understanding of Previous HitvelocityTop variations in shallow formations of central and northwestern Kansas. 

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90176©AAPG Mid-Continent Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, October 12-15, 2013