--> Abstract: Effective Site Characterization using the Triad Approach; Fredeman Pit Site, Sulphur, Louisiana, by William Schramm, Scott Bergeron, William Davis, Mike Kyle, George Losonsky, and Ray Sturdivant; #90167 (2013)
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Effective Site Characterization using the Triad Approach; Fredeman Pit Site, Sulphur, Louisiana

William Schramm, Scott Bergeron, William Previous HitDavisTop, Mike Kyle, George Losonsky, and Ray Sturdivant
[email protected]

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) has been tasked with the investigation and cleanup of an abandoned parcel of contaminated property in Calcasieu Parish. The Fredeman Pit Site had been used for the unpermitted disposal of barge cleaning waste prior to the establishment of the department. Previous owners have partially investigated the site however, a comprehensive conceptual site model (CSM) had not been developed. In order to understand the site conditions and provide data for the development of a CSM and a remedial action plan (RAP), Eagle Environmental was contracted to execute site investigation and site characterization activities using the Triad Approach. The Department, contractor and subcontractors used the Triad Approach to research, plan and execute the investigation in one massive undertaking during the summer of 2012. This poster will present the strategies, research, plan development, lines of communication, organization, field investigation, analytical testing and compilation of all data that comprised the CSM. The data intensive, cost effective and timeliness of the Triad Approach resulted in a very successful investigatory program, provided a new understanding and CSM and afforded the opportunity to direct our future efforts for remediation through a focused Corrective Measures Study.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90167©2013 GCAGS and GCSSEPM 63rd Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 6-8, 2013