--> ABSTRACT: Structural Assessment and 3-D Geological Modeling as a Good Approach to Reservoir Management Scheme, Ras Burdran Field — Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Selim, Saber M.; Abd El-Rahman, Mohamed Zakaria; El-Hadi, Ahmed Abd; #90141 (2012)

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Structural Assessment and 3-D Geological Modeling as a Good Approach to Reservoir Management Scheme, Ras Burdran Field — Gulf of Suez, Egypt

Selim, Saber M.*1; Abd El-Rahman, Mohamed Zakaria 1; El-Hadi, Ahmed Abd 1
(1) Exploration Division, Suez Oil Company, Cairo A.R., Egypt.

3D geological modeling has become one of the most reliable and effective means of displaying geological structures of any oil or gas field. Building a coherent 3D geological model of a complex heavy oil field, with long years of production is a tremendous task that requires a multi-disciplinary approach and the effective management of a large amount of data (i.e., outcrops, cores, logs, 3D seismic, well tests and production data).

Ras Budran Oil field represents one of those fields that have a complex structure. It is located west to Sinai coast of Gulf of Suez, Egypt. It was discovered in 1978 and commercial production has been started on April 1983. The field structure is trending to the northeast- southwest direction. This structure is dissected by two main fault systems, an older NW-SE Faults (Clysmic Trend) and a younger SW-NE Faults (Aqaba Trend). Further, the structural complexity is enhanced by the presence of two major erosional unconformities in the stratigraphic section, one post-Eocene and second intra-Rudeis. In addition to these, a post-Paleozoic unconformity is also recognized.

Nubian Sandstone of Paleozoic to Lower Cretaceous age forms the main reservoir in the Ras Budran field. In addition to these, some reservoirs of secondary importance are present in sandstone of reservoir Raha and Matulla formations and Thebes Formation.

Currently, the Sandstone Reservoir performance needs better understanding and characterization to optimize the drainage and production. To ease this process, database where all the relevant data required constructing 3D geo-model for the reservoir units are used. Principal models such as Structural, Stratigraphic, Petrophysical and Facies Models required to build the 3D reservoir model are constructed.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain