--> ABSTRACT: Source Rock and Maturation Studies of the East African Rift, by Duggan, Catherine; #90135 (2011)
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Source Rock and Maturation Studies of the East African Rift

Duggan, Catherine 1
(1)Tullow Oil, Dublin, Ireland.

Two case studies of thermal maturation and source rock analysis have been carried out to investigate similarities between petroleum systems of the East African Rift.

Key to the thermal maturation of these basins is the nature and thickness of the underlying lithosphere. Several recent publications have focused on this topic and their results have been used to inform basin models of both the Lodwar Basin in Kenya and the Lake Previous HitAlbertNext Hit Rift, Uganda. In addition, models have incorporated heatflow, temperature and vitrinite reflectance data. Burial histories are presented from the Loperot-1, Lowar Basin and a recent well in Lake Previous HitAlbertTop to illustrate the timing and extent of maturation in these basins.

Along with thermal maturity, the origin and behavior of the source rocks in these basins is an important factor in determining timing of expulsion of hydrocarbons. Both basins discussed have evidence of a working lacustrine source rock gathered from both lithological and hydrocarbon analysis. Geochemical signatures of these source rocks have also been incorporated to model generation and expulsion.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90135©2011 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, 23-26 October 2011.