--> Abstract: Eagle Ford Shale Prospecting with 3-D Seismic Data Within a Tectonic and Depositional System Framework, by Galen Treadgold, Steve Sinclair, David F. Nicklin, and Bruce Campbell; #90124 (2011)
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Making the Next Giant Leap in Geosciences
April 10-13, 2011, Houston, Texas, USA

Eagle Ford Shale Prospecting with 3-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data Within a Tectonic and Previous HitDepositionalNext Hit System Framework

Galen Treadgold1; Steve Sinclair2; David F. Nicklin2; Bruce Campbell1

(1) Global Geophysical Services, Houston, TX.

(2) Matador Resources, Dallas, TX.

The Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas is one of the more exciting shale plays in the United States at the current time. Recently published reports of well tests describe gas well rates exceeding 17 mmcf/d and oil well rates in excess of 1500 bopd and unconfirmed rates of 2000 bopd. Acreage lease rates continue to climb as more positive results come from drilling within the trend. A key issue for the exploration companies is finding where to focus acreage acquisition and optimize drilling plans for optimal gas and oil recovery. Our paper will first consider the geologic context of the Eagle Ford and then look at geophysical techniques, in particular, comparing and contrasting the value of 3D Processing Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes in building a successful exploration plan.

Conventional subsurface data, such as wireline logs, cores and cuttings, are limited in availability to many companies currently exploring the play. Interpretation of these data is often ambiguous at best. As a result, thorough understanding of the regional aspects of the play remains elusive to many companies. It is our belief that modern Previous HitseismicNext Hit data and interpretation techniques can add significantly to the database and greatly enhance regional understanding of the play for many companies. Newly acquired 3D datasets provide a continuous characterization of the subsurface, which highlights drilling hazards (faults), and also offers the potential for Previous HitidentifyingNext Hit better reservoir quality intervals (higher TOC shale Previous HitsectionsNext Hit with greater porosity and fractures). Extracting rock properties from the Previous HitseismicNext Hit should be the goal of any processing and interpretation effort. Linking the results of well tests to the attributes derived from the Previous HitseismicNext Hit will provide operators with a far more reliable predictive capability in any shale play.

Ultimately, the pursuit of Eagle Ford acreage and the designing of an Eagle Ford drilling campaign is best accomplished through a comprehensive understanding of the geologic framework coupled with a focused interpretation of the Previous HitseismicTop. This shale is one of the more exciting domestic shale plays, and presents ample opportunities to make and lose money. The smart operator will utilize all the tools available to study the target section while recognizing the limitations of the technology.