--> Abstract: Sustainable Water Resource Exploration and Development: A Return to Local Supply, by J. L. Sterling and J. L. Kear; #90088 (2009)
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Sustainable Previous HitWaterNext Hit Resource Exploration and Development: A Return to Local Supply

J. L. Sterling1 and J. L. Kear2
1Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc., Petaluma, CA, [email protected]
2Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, [email protected]

Over the past century, many wholesale purveyors have addressed Previous HitwaterNext Hit needs by expanding aqueduct systems to remote Previous HitwaterNext Hit sources. This practice is increasingly susceptible to regional droughts, environmental regulations, competing demands, and infrastructure problems. Conveyance of Previous HitwaterNext Hit from remote sources increases the ‘carbon footprint’ of Previous HitwaterNext Hit supplies, is subject to severance from the population in active tectonic areas, and can be less sustainable than local supplies. With increased consideration of issues such as sustainability, redundancy, susceptibility to natural and other disasters, and the ‘carbon footprint’ of Previous HitwaterNext Hit supplies, many Previous HitwaterNext Hit purveyors are turning toward local and previously discarded sources.

An example of this deliberate search for local groundwater resources is a recent addition to Signal Hill’s Previous HitwaterNext Hit supply. The Signal Hill Previous HitwaterNext Hit supply was previously separated from the service population by 7 mi and a major highway bridge. Local groundwater had not been recently considered a viable source as the city lies within the Long Beach Oil Field. A new well within city limits taps into this previously unused source and reduces the susceptibility to natural and other disasters.

Another example is Senior Canyon Mutual Previous HitWaterNext Hit Company (SCMWC), whose Previous HitwaterNext Hit sources consist of local and imported Previous HitwaterNext Hit. Facing significant imported Previous HitwaterNext Hit rate increases and after a well was eliminated due to Previous HitwaterNext Hit Previous HitqualityNext Hit issues, SCMWC is implementing improvements including a suite of local groundwater extraction wells, replacing lost local supplies, and reducing dependence on Previous HitwaterNext Hit importation.

Sonoma County’s plans for improving redundancy and minimizing the ‘carbon footprint’ of Previous HitwaterNext Hit are another example of renewed interest in local supplies. Sonoma County Previous HitWaterNext Hit Agency (SCWA) delivers Russian River Previous HitwaterNext Hit to Sonoma and northern Marin counties via aqueducts throughout the service area. SCWA is looking to increase local groundwater supply, providing redundancy in Previous HitwaterNext Hit supply, and tying into SCWA’s goal of zero-carbon Previous HitwaterTop.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90088©2009 Pacific Section Meeting, Ventura, California, May 3-5, 2009