--> Abstract: Implementation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (Eori), Laramie, Wy, by B. Reyes and K. Murray; #90090 (2009).
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Implementation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (Eori), Laramie, Wy

Reyes, Brian 1; Murray, Kyle 2
1 Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute - UWYO, Laramie, WY.
2 University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

The Enhanced Oil Recovery-Geographical Information System (EOR-GIS) Project is a state-sponsored research program that aims to provide a complete and comprehensive tool for enhanced oil recovery efforts in the state of Wyoming. According to the Wyoming State Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit (WSGS), approximately 8 billion barrels of oil remain in the ground, of which, 5-15% is recoverable by EOR. A geodatabase has been integrated from several sources, refined, and made more accessible using GIS tools. Organization, integration and presentation of these different data sets are a necessary part of a work flow. Data analyses are then performed to produce map layouts, which are then used to enhance decision making within the Wyoming EOR industry.

Oil field boundary data were obtained from the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (WYOGCC) and WSGS. These data were then merged to provide the most accurate locations of each field. Central locations of each reservoir were computed from the WYOGCC well database using the locations of all the wells penetrating a particular reservoir. The EORI uses GIS to query across multiple feature classes and related tabular data such as available resources, possible reservoir candidates, geological attributes, well locations, infrastructure, and utilities.

One of the main challenges facing EOR efforts in Wyoming is CO2 pipeline infrastructure. To address this problem, the EOR-GIS is currently being used to assist the Wyoming Pipeline Authority (WPA) in designing possible CO2 pipeline pathways and centralized hubs for future CO2 EOR and sequestration projects. Two query tools, which are still in the design phase, will allow users to query by Previous HitselectingNext Hit single attributes within the database or by Previous HitselectingTop multiple attributes for multiple reservoirs. An additional tool designed to calculate volumetric Original Oil In Place for a single reservoir will also be integrated into the EOR-GIS. For smaller field owners, an internet map service will be designed and available through the EORI website. Documents pertaining to specific geologic formations and/or setting will be hyperlinked or referenced using the Electronic Document Management System (eDMS). Above all, the EOR-GIS will be used to actively seek the involvement of Wyoming owners/operators, to respond to their needs, and meet their requirements through the application of progressive science and technical expertise.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90090©2009 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, June 7-10, 2009