--> Abstract: The Use of Multi-Level Potential Field Data in Regional, Geophysical Modelling, by Jörg Ebbing, Reynir F. Reynisson, and Jan Reidar Skilbrei; #90082 (2008)
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The Use of Multi-Level Potential Field Previous HitDataNext Hit in Regional, Geophysical Modelling

Jörg Ebbing1, Reynir F. Reynisson2, and Jan Reidar Skilbrei1
1Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway
2Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Previous HitModelingNext Hit of potential field Previous HitdataNext Hit suffers from the ambiguity problem and constraining Previous HitdataNext Hit are needed to minimize the uncertainty of forward and inverse models. Useful information which can limit the uncertainties is contained in the frequency content of the potential field Previous HitdataNext Hit. Routinely, wavelength filtering and Previous HitmethodsNext Hit like power-spectrum estimates have been used in the past in interpretation of potential field Previous HitdataNext Hit. However, shallow geological structures often are not limited to a certain wavelength and overlap in their characteristic wavelength with deeper-seated anomalies (e.g. cratonic basins).

The availability of Previous HitdataNext Hit sets at different levels, e.g. ground Previous HitdataNext Hit, ship borne Previous HitdataNext Hit, airborne Previous HitdataNext Hit and satellite Previous HitdataNext Hit, allows nowadays Previous HitmodelingNext Hit simultaneously potential fields from different heights, and overcomes therewith the necessity of wavelength-filtering. Models can be tested immediately against their response in multi-level Previous HitdataNext Hit-sets, which increases the uncertainty of the solutions. Especially, in Previous HitinversionNext Hit of potential field Previous HitdataNext Hit the use of different observation levels minimizes the uncertainty in the analysis of sources superposed from different depth. We present key examples of multi-level Previous HitmodelingNext Hit of the magnetic field and gravity field for the Oslo Graben, Barents Sea and mid-Norwegian margin, where multi-level Previous HitdataTop sets have been used to model crustal intrusives and crustal structure underlying sedimentary basins.

AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa 2008 © AAPG Search and Discovery