--> ABSTRACT: Interactive Sandstone Petrology: a Digital Tutorial for Future Reservoir Geologists, by Suk-Joo Choh, Kitty L. Milliken, and Earle F. McBride; #90906(2001)
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Suk-Joo Choh1, Kitty L. Milliken2, Earle F. McBride1

(1) The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
(2) University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

ABSTRACT: Interactive Sandstone Petrology: a Previous HitDigitalNext Hit Tutorial for Future Reservoir Geologists

A new, cost efficient approach to teaching undergraduate-level sandstone petrography is being devised. The main goal of this multimedia tutorial is to provide a quantity of petrographic information sufficient to allow students to attain a high level of expertise in rock description. Development in Previous HitdigitalNext Hit format will permit effective delivery of the tutorial via CDs and the Internet.

The tutorial is based on a collection of high-resolution Previous HitdigitalNext Hit petrographic images and utilizes a hierarchical menu and topics for navigation. The tutorial is composed of modules for grain types, sandstone types, and other topics. Each module is further divided into sub-modules. Within a sub-module, forward and backward arrows, and other navigational choices allow the user to move around and explore the contents. The interface is dominated by the petrographic image with minimal screen space devoted to tutorial functions. The user is able to determine the presence of an interactive area within the image by moving the pointer across the screen until the pointer changes from an arrow to a hand. When an active area is clicked by mouse, relevant instructional information appears. An on-line glossary is provided. Each sub-module is designed to gradually add information so that the user fully absorbs the topic at the user's own pace. This interactive tutorial will contain up to 300 interactive photomicrographs and represents the first step towards a Previous HitdigitalNext Hit library of petrographic images that will serve as a reference work for use in reservoir description.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado