--> Abstract: Progress in Development of Digital Geologic Map Databases in Kansas, by J. A. Ross, D. R. Collins, and E. L. Crouse; #90921 (1999).
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Kansas Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit, Lawrence, KS

Abstract: Progress in Development of Digital Geologic Map Databases in Kansas

Several new geologic maps of individual counties in Kansas, have recently been published with progress in development of the Kansas Digital Geologic Map Database. In coordination with the National Geologic Map Database Project of the U.S. Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit, programs at the Kansas Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit, have focused on new field mapping in areas where published geologic maps were unavailable or deemed inadequate. This effort is combined with innovations in database development from previously published paper maps (commonly out-of-print) in those counties where maps of reasonably good quality already exist. The Kansas mapping program has established large scale (1:24,000) Previous HitbaseNext Hit maps as the standard for field mapping and database development, a significantly larger target Previous HitbaseNext Hit map scale than the 1:100,000 scale set for the national project.

This presentation demonstrates recent geologic database development efforts and derived products. Techniques used by the Kansas Previous HitSurveyNext Hit for database development from previously published maps are compared to the more common practice of direct digital imaging (e.g., scanning). The Previous HitSurvey'sNext Hit techniques, provide for integration of resulting data with geologic data from new field work or with federal topographic map databases, such as the USGS digital raster graphic map images. Recently published maps, including Labette, Leavenworth, Wilson, Greenwood, Wyandotte, and Chase counties are presented Methods used by the Kansas Previous HitSurveyTop to provide access, via the Internet, to these maps and associated geologic data are also explained.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90921©1999 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas