--> Abstract: A Depositional Model for the Middle Jurassic Brent Delta, North Sea, Coherent with a 3D Regional Computer Simulation, by K. Church, L. Seiffert, C. Le Turdu, L. Menard, and D. Granjeon; #90923 (1999)
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CHURCH, KEVIN, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; LUTZ SEIFFERT, Elf Exploration UK, London, United Kingdom; Previous HitCAROLINETop LE TURDU, Elf Norge, Stavanger, Norway; LAURENT MENARD, Elf Exploration and Production, Pau, France; DIDIER GRANJEON, Institut Francais du Petrole, Paris, France

Abstract: A Depositional Model for the Middle Jurassic Brent Delta, North Sea, Coherent with a 3D Regional Computer Simulation

A depositional model for the Brent Group developed within the concept of high resolution sequence stratigraphy is presented. Uniquely, this model has been tested using an innovative 3D stratigraphic modelling technique called DIONISOS. An extensive database from both the UK and Norwegian sectors was utilised to establish a scheme of 14 facies associations. This scheme was applied to each well to enable identification of facies stacking patterns and stratal surfaces. Using palynological data, these surfaces were traced throughout the Brent Province, subdividing the depositional system into 3 third-order sequences. A palaeogeographical map has been produced for each of 12 surfaces identified. Isopach maps detail thickness variations and hiatuses at the systems tract or sub-systems tract scale. These maps have been used to interpret the history of fault movements at the same scale. The sequence stratigraphic interpretation and fault history were input into the GOCAD modelling tool, which enables 3D visualisation of the depositional system and fault surfaces.This analysis allows the iterative improvement of the geological model at an early stage. Uncertainties in the interpretation, resulting from sparse data density, erosion, the timing of fault movements and the relative importance of each stratal surface (third- versus fourth-order) were investigated using the DIONISOS software.Various possible depositional and structural scenarios have been tested and compared with the geological model.This iterative process has led to the evolution of the model presented.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90923@1999 International Conference and Exhibition, Birmingham, England