--> Abstract: 3-D Seismic Stratigraphic Inversion: A Tool for High-Resolution Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Characterization, by P. Johann and F. Fournier; #90933 (1998).
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Abstract: 3-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Stratigraphic Previous HitInversionNext Hit: A Tool for High-Resolution Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Characterization.

Johann, Paulo - Petrobras/E&P; Frederique Fournier - lFP

A new methodology for a 3-D reservoir description is applied to a pilot area, a turbidite giant oil field in Campos basin (passive margin of eastern Brazil). This methodology requires the integration of different Previous HitdataNext Hit types to define a more detailed and realistic interpretation of reservoir architecture. Geological knowledge, well logs and 3-D poststack Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit were integrated in a target-oriented approach based in a Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphic Previous HitinversionNext Hit (Fig. 1).

The turbidite giant oil field is located in the central part of Campos basin. The production reservoir is characterized by an important stratigraphic control. It is consists of composite turbidites sands that were deposited during the Cenomanian/Turonian and are intercaled to with marls and shales. Oil accumulation is controlled by turbidite sandstone pinchout and by structural features. The individual sands bodies are lenticular and elongated northwest-southeast coalesce to form a thick sandbody.

The methodology of 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinversionNext Hit is carried out in six main steps: a) well-to-Previous HitseismicNext Hit quantitative calibration; b) zero-phase deconvolution; c) structural and stratigraphic regional interpretation; d) 3-D acoustic impedance modeling; e) Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphic Previous HitinversionNext Hit; f) detailed Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphic interpretation of Previous HitinversionNext Hit images (acoustic impedance and reflectivity).

The well-to-Previous HitseismicNext Hit quantitative calibration?s purpose is to extract a target-oriented single calibration operator from well-to-Previous HitseismicNext Hit tie. Three main parameters are quantified and analyzed in this step: correlation coefficient, time shift and operator amplitude at each well. The second main step Previous HitinversionNext Hit is the deconvolution zero-phase of 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit based in the operator defined in the first step. The third main step is carried out by a regional structural and stratigraphic Previous HitseismicNext Hit interpretation based on the time positions of the wells markers and 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit deconvolved Previous HitdataNext Hit. The fourth step is built to introduce and validate the structural and stratigraphic knowledge, and provide a 3-D coherent initial acoustic impedance model. The fifth main step, the stratigraphic Previous HitinversionNext Hit will go to integrate and to exploit Previous HitseismicNext Hit amplitude variations. The sixth main step is carried out by an interpretation over the 3-D optimal acoustic impedance and over the 3-D reflections coefficients associated. This step to exploit the improve of recognizability and resolution of reflected events after stratigraphic Previous HitinversionNext Hit (Figures 2 and 3).

The successful application of this new methodology for 3-D reservoir architecture characterization makes it an interesting integrated Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphic interpretation approach for other turbites fields and can be used to aid the understanding of Previous HitseismicTop stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy on the turbidites systems.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90933©1998 ABGP/AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil